Use Guinness Gear For Your Decor

Lovely day for a Guinness, wouldn’t you say?

At least, the marketing department thought so in 1936 when they commissioned John Gilroy to create advertisements such as the iconic toucan with a glass of Guinness balanced on its nose standing on top of a weather vane!

John Gilroy created a number of memorable advertising posters featuring lions, birds, and seals and catchy slogans such as “Guinness Is Good For You!” throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s. The beer may be an acquired taste, but appreciation for the classic art in these posters is pretty much universal.

Luckily, it’s easy to buy reproductions of vintage Guinness poster advertisements and vintage Guinness tin signs. Whether you’re interested in decorating your very own in-house bar room, man cave, or pub, or you just want to add that little bit of Guinness flair to any old room in your house, you’re sure to find Guinness posters and tin signs that fit your tastes.

To learn more about decorating with Guinness gear, check out Vintage Guinness Posters and Guinness Tin Signs.